By Landmarks Illinois
2021 Landmarks Illinois Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Preservation Award for Restoration
Four residences in the historic city of Nauvoo — home to a nationally-recognized cultural center for scholarship on the traditions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — have been restored & rebuilt to reflect their original character when they were constructed in the mid-1800s. New exhibits at the residences educate visitors on the history of pioneer life in Illinois and of the unique role historic Nauvoo played in the settlement of a community seeking religious freedom in this picturesque corner of Illinois. The project is commendable due to the intense amount of research undertaken for the meticulous and exceptional preservation effort. Archival and photographic evidence guided architects to restore the properties to their period of significance, 1839-1846. Today, the site functions as an outdoor museum and draws more than 100,000 tourists annually, as well as hundreds of missionaries. The restoration of the historic homes and the new exhibits in the historic town reflect a change in Church messaging, allowing for a new interpretation of the site focusing on the history of the Church as well as the history of pioneer life in Illinois. Visitors can now learn about the unique role Historic Nauvoo played within the history of diverse American religious traditions.