
Case Study

A targeted solution in urban agriculture

Wilder Fields

To turn a former Target store into an indoor farm near Chicago, The Structural Group had to rethink the structure from the top down. The agricultural use depended on substantial mechanical systems, best placed on a roof that had been designed to cover operations, not support them.

Big box stores are designed efficiently. Thus, extra capacity in the structure is not something one can easily find, unless you understand where to look.


Rethinking the store’s structure from the top down was necessary as the intended agricultural use required substantial mechanical systems to be placed on a roof that was not meant to carry a lot of construction equipment.

Working with existing structures inevitably requires a keener understanding of how things get built. A design may look good on paper, but can the contractor build it?


Instead of costly reinforcements, we designed frames that could span whole bays, bypassing the existing roof and supporting directly off existing columns. Our team then addressed the impacts from the roof all the way down through the foundations, finding cost savings that quickly covered our own design fees and turned a profit for the client.

The Structural Group worked with the contractor to understand crane reaches and capacities. The structural components were designed to accommodate those limitations.


A big box store has been successfully recycled into an urban, indoor farm.  Micro greens to salad mixes as well as jobs now flourish at the site. The new farm is located just minutes from the Chicago’s loop.  Check out Wilder Fields.

Wilder Fields Case Study
Wilder Fields
Wilder Fields
Wilder Fields Case Study
Wilder Fields
Wilder Fields

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